Pineapple Contracts awarded HSE contract

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Health Service Executive (HSE) contract to provide Ireland’s mental health service with contract furniture.

The contract, initially for a 48-month term, recognises the extensive commitment Pineapple Contracts has made to helping mental health providers, both in the UK and abroad. In a competitive tender process, the HSE rewarded Pineapple Contracts for the provision of products which directly solve the real world need to humanise mental health treatment, providing a therapeutic environment to develop individuals as well as protecting both patients and staff. Pineapple Contracts’ commitment to safety and durability will see them provide a range of soft seating, bedroom furniture and lounge furniture designed to enhance the client’s environment.

HSE provide a range of mental health services, including day centres, sheltered workshops, rehabilitation, special care and secure units. The national policy, ‘A Vision for Change’, has been in place since 2006 and sets out the direction for Mental Health Services in Ireland. It describes a framework for building and fostering positive mental health across the entire community and for providing accessible, community-based, specialist services for people with mental illness. It proposes a holistic view of mental illness and recommends an integrated multidisciplinary approach.

Pineapple Contracts is committed to helping clients create safer places for both patients, residents and staff. Listening to client concerns is key to the design process, enabling the products developed to be focused on solving customer needs and issues. The partnership approach ensures that clients of the HSE contract will be helped and guided through their choices to ensure that the best solutions for their needs are achieved.

Glyn Hathorn, Sales Director at Pineapple Contracts, says “We’re incredibly proud and excited about winning the HSE contract for mental health services. This new opportunity, adding to our existing NHS contracts, will grow our network of mental health care providers and give even more insight to behaviours and challenges faced in these environments. We know that it’s a constant learning curve, working alongside people who manage mental health services, and we remain committed to helping them achieve their goals”


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